Botanical Name: Allium Schoenprasum
Country of Origin: U.K
Description: Chives are characterized by their petite stature, typically growing between 8 to 12 inches, emerging from a small, elongated, bulbous root. Their leaves are uniquely hollow, cylindrical, and sealed at the top, forming a protective sheath around the stem's base. At the top of an otherwise unadorned stem, a terminal cluster of reddish-blue or purple flowers blooms during June and July. The resulting fruit is a three-sided black seed. These versatile herbs serve as an excellent addition to salads when freshly cut and finely chopped. They enhance not only green salads but also complement cucumber salads or can be sprinkled over sliced tomatoes. Beyond salads, chives are valuable for mixing with the food of newly hatched turkeys, providing them with essential nutrients.
Storage: Keep them in an airtight container to protect them from moisture
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