Botanical Name: Asparagus Adscendens
Country of Origin: India
Description: Safed Musli is a scarce herb native to India, renowned for its utilization in traditional medical systems such as Ayurveda, Unani, and homeopathy. Within Ayurveda, Safed Musli is characterized as having a bitter taste and being relatively heavy to digest. This herb is valued for its ability to alleviate imbalanced Vata dosha and for its nourishing properties for the body. known for its potent aphrodisiac properties, can be effectively consumed in different forms such as a Ksheer pak (paste-like formulation) or as churna (powder).Musli Pak is a robust ayurvedic preparation primarily centered around Musli root powder, which serves as the key active ingredient. It also incorporates a blend of other herbs known for their powerful aphrodisiac and revitalizing qualities. While this formulation is fundamentally in a herbal paste form, it is available in the market in both paste and capsule formats. This herbal remedy not only aids in muscle development but also enhances overall weight, restores physical vigor, addresses infertility concerns, and heightens libido in men. Musli Pak contains an impressive compilation of 22 ingredients, all of which exhibit properties related to sperm production, antioxidants, androgens, adaptogens, and erectogens. Together, they work synergistically to address a wide range of health issues.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry, dark place in an airtight container. Refrigeration not required.
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